Kartik Aaryan has been riding high on the mega success of his latest film, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 but his accolades for his previous release, Dhamaka, have still not stopped pouring in. At an award function held on Saturday, the versatile superstar bagged the award for Best Actor award for Dhamaka.
He shared a happy selfie on his social media where he looked extra stylish and dapper in a black suit over a white shirt and black tie. He captioned it saying, "Best Actor #Dhamaka !!" as he thanked the award team for recognising Arjun Pathak and added, "Honored and Grateful."
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Currently, Kartik has an exciting lineup ahead with big-ticket projects like Shehzada, Freddy, Captain India, Satyaprem Ki Katha, Kabir Khan’s untitled next and his most recently announced, Aashiqui 3.
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