Businessman Lalit Modi on Thursday took the internet by storm on Thursday by announcing actor Sushmita Sen as his 'better half'. He shared several pictures with the actress and announced that they are dating. He also clarified that they are not married but in love.
He wrote, "Just back in london after a whirling global tour #maldives #sardinia with the families - not to mention my #betterhalf @sushmitasen47 - a new beginning a new life finally. Over the moon."
Just back in london after a whirling global tour #maldives # sardinia with the families - not to mention my #betterhalf @sushmitasen47 - a new beginning a new life finally. Over the moon. ????????????????????????????????????????
— Lalit Kumar Modi (@LalitKModi) July 14, 2022
Many speculated that the couple had tied the knot. But, he put those rumours to rest saying, "Just for clarity. Not married - just dating each other. That too it will happen one day."
Just for clarity. Not married - just dating each other. That too it will happen one day. ????????????????????????????????
— Lalit Kumar Modi (@LalitKModi) July 14, 2022
Interestingly, one of Modi’s tweets from 2013 related to Sushmita Sen also resurfaced.
Okay I commit 😋😋"@thesushmitasen: @LalitKModi u r too kind:)) however, promises are meant to be (cont)
— Lalit Kumar Modi (@LalitKModi) April 27, 2013
@thesushmitasen reply my SMS
— Lalit Kumar Modi (@LalitKModi) April 27, 2013
Lalit Modi is the mastermind of the Indian Premier League (IPL). Meanwhile, Sushmita Sen was in a longtime relationship with model Rohman Shawl before they parted ways in 2021.
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