Salman Khan shared a video of his nephew’s Ahil Sharma’s birthday party on Wednesday. He’s seen walking around while his sister Arpita Khan Sharma and son Ahil enjoy the party.
In the video, Salman had his back to the camera and can be seen chatting with her sister. The area had a kids’ adventure zone and it was pirate themed birthday bash. Even Arpita, Ahil and Salman watched some of the stunts being performed there. The video ended with a group photo of three of them together. Salman shared the video on his Instagram with the caption, “#ahilsbirthday.”
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For unversed, Arpita Khan Sharma married Aayush Sharma in 2014 and in 2016, the couple welcomed their son Ahil. Three years later, they welcomed their daughter Ayat.
Aayush Sharma made his debut in Salman’s production banner LoveYatri in 2018. He was last seen alongside Salman in Antim: The Final Chapter in 2021.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Salman Khan recently wrapped up his cameo appearance for his upcoming Telegu debut Godfather which stars Chiranjeevi, Nayanthara and Ram Charan. The movie is a remake of the 2019 Telugu movie Lucifer which starred Mohanlal in the lead role.
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