Bollywood superstar Jackie Shroff recently visited Pune to grieve for the death of his employee's father. The young employee works at Shroff's farmhouse situated at Chandkhed village in the Pune district, and as soon as Jackie got to know about the tragedy, he went to his employee's house. The images and videos of Jackie sitting on the floor with the family are going viral on the internet, and people are amazed by the actor's humbleness and down-to-earth attitude.
The star has a very upfront perspective about life and is known for expressing his views about his losses and experiences on various occasions which leads to a motivational message to everyone. An old video of Jackie Shroff, in which he can be heard talking about life and death, is going viral on social media. In the video, he can be heard saying, “Ma mari, baba marr gaye, bhai chale gaye, yeh sab chale gaye na ek ek. Hum log bhi chale jayenge ek din. Ab woh le ke ghoomna nahi (I lost my mother, then my father and my brother, all of them left one by one. We all will also die one day. But we should not carry it around with ourselves).”
Pure hearted guy
jackie shroff— R a j (@rajsolan_kid) March 29, 2022
He further added, “Teen chale gaye, teen aaye. Krishna aayi, Tiger aaya, meri aurat aayi, par meri ma chali gayi, mera bhai chala gaya mere papa chale gaye, toh balance hota hai na life mein. Ab mein chala jaunga kuch din mein or phir koi aayega, toh yeh chalta rahega bhidu, yeh chaal toh hai he (Three people left and three people came. Krishna came, Tiger came and my wife came but I also lost three people from my life, this is how life balances things. I might also die after some time, then someone else will come and this will go on).”
Jackie Shroff will be next seen in Phone Bhoot alongside Katrina Kaif, Ishaan Khattar and Shiddant Chaturvedi
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