Actress Shilpa Shetty Kundra penned down an emotional note on Thursday upon loosing her furry friend Princess. Grieved after the loss of her loved pet, Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty Kundra shared a video of some memorable moments she spent with her.
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It is a thirty-five seconds video in which Shilpa is seen resting her head near her furry friend and next it is followed by another clip. Shilpa wrote “My first baby… my Princess Shetty Kundra has crossed the rainbow bridge”, “Thank you for coming into our lives and giving us some of our best memories over 12 years. You’ve taken a piece of my heart with you… nothing will ever fill the void you’ve left behind. Mumma, Papa, Viaan-Raj and Samisha will miss you Rest in peace, my darling Princeeee”, the actress added.
Shilpa Shetty was recently seen celebrating her daughter’s second birthday along with her family.
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