Philanthropist-actor Sonu Sood created quite a stir on Sunday by announcing his sister Malavika Sood Sachar’s entry into politics. When I contacted Sonu his response was this: “My sister has always been into helping the needy and other charitable work, long before me. She is a teacher by profession for many years. When the Pandemic started she went out of our way to help the distressed. Her efforts to come to the rescue of needy students continues. She helps the ill, organizes camps...”
Sonu says his sister was getting offers from political parties for years. “But she was not ready earlier as her children were young and needed her to be at home with them. But this time when I asked her if she would join politics, to my surprise she agreed, arguing politics would give her a bigger platform to help people. I’ve told her it would be very hard work and she has promised me she would give it her best shot. So yes, my sister is entering politics.”
What about Sonu, has he changed his mind about entering politics? “Not at all. My answer to your question remains the same. I don’t think I need to get into politics to do the work that I want to do. I can be of service to the nation without politics. Aur waise bhi agar ek party ko join karo toh doosra naraaz ho jayega (in any case if I join one political party, the other political parties will take offence).”
The proud brother says the impetus to join politics for his sister came from the people of their hometown Moga. “In Punjab specially Moga people wanted Malavika to occupy a political platform. They urged her to do this. She has taken the plunge. I am sure she will be able to use the platform to reach out to more people.”
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