Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa will be tying the knot today in Chandigarh in the presence of their friends and family. Their wedding festivities kicked off on November 13 in Chandigarh. The duo had an engagement ceremony on Saturday at a white-themed party.
Ahead of the wedding ceremony, the wedding invite of Rajkummar and Patralekhaa went viral. The invite mentions the date of the ceremony as November 15 at a hotel in Chandigarh.
For the engagement ceremony, Patralekhaa was dressed in a white and silver embellished gown, and Rajkummar looked sharp in a white sherwani. In one of the videos, he got down on one knee to exchange rings and propose. The two then danced together as well. Saqib Saleem and Farah Khan are in Chandigarh and attended the celebrations.
The guest list is restricted to 100-150 people while following all COVID-19 protocols. According to reports, celebrities like Huma Qureshi, Farah Khan, Amar Kaushik, and others will be attending the wedding.
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