Bollywood’s popular couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone celebrated their third wedding on Sunday. Ranveer and Deepika were seen hand-in-hand at the Dehradun airport and their fans were all hearts.
DeepVeer, as their fans fondly call them, got married in 2018 in a dreamy wedding in Lake Como, Italy. While they married on November 14 in the South Indian tradition, the next day, November 15, they tied the knot as per Sindhi traditions. The couple celebrated their special day in Dehradun. On their second wedding anniversary, they shared unseen pictures on Instagram from one of their pre-wedding functions. Sharing photos from their wedding, Ranveer had captioned his post, “Souls eternally intertwined. Happy second anniversary meri guidya @deepikapadukone.” Deepika too had shared the same pictures and wrote, “Two peas in a pod… Happy 2nd Anniversary @ranveersingh .You complete me…”
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On the work front, Ranveer recently made his television debut as a quizmaster for Color’s show The Big Picture. Quite often, he refers to Deepika as ‘Biwi No 1’ on the show. Ranveer is also busy shooting for his next film Rocky Aur Rani ki Prem Kahaani, which is a directorial comeback for Karan Johar and stars Alia Bhatt as the female lead.
Deepika and Ranveer will be seen together in the upcoming sports drama 83, where Ranveer will play the role of cricketer Kapil Dev, and Deepika will portray his wife Romi Dev.
Also Read: The Big Picture: Ranveer Singh admits imitating his inspiration Salman Khan as a child
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