Kavita Kaushik and her husband had allegedly accused Abhinav Shukla of calling the former while being intoxicated. Due to these allegations, Kavita Kaushik made an exit from Bigg Boss 14 twice after engaging in heated arguments with the couple. While Abhinav Shukla had justified that he never made any calls, things got pretty heated outside when fandoms of these stars were battling against each other.
In a recent interview, Rubina Dilaik, who won the season, was asked if he ever clarified these allegations with Abhinav Shukla. While Abhinav and Rubina have sorted their issues given that they had a lot of problems initially, Rubina said that she did not have to clarify anything because the allegations were false. She said that if it had any truth in it, the topic would have still been discussed, but since it died as soon as Kavita left the house, there’s no need to dig old graves anymore.
On the show, Abhinav Shukla had proposed marriage to Rubina Dilaik once again.
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: Bigg Boss 14 winner Rubina Dilaik has THIS to say to Eijaz Khan and Jasmin Bhasin
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