Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal's upcoming projects require him to be in the best of shape and the actor is following a dedicated diet to achieve desirable results. Kaushal's personal chef Akshay Arora recently gave a glimpse at what the actors' breakfast looks like these days.
Early on Saturday morning, Akshay Arora shared a picture on his Instagram story from his kitchen and on the table we spotted some nicely chopped red, green and yellow bell peppers, chopped mushroom, tomato sauce, olive oil and 8 eggs. Guess who's breakfast is this, Vicky Kaushal or The Rock", he captioned the image. The chef also mentioned that there were 2 more eggs that were already cracked.
Vicky Kaushal reshared the post putting all speculations to rest.
On the work front, Vicky was last seen on screen in the film Bhoot: The Haunted Ship. He recently wrapped up the shoot of a project with Dhoom 3 director Vijay Krishna Acharya. He will also be seen in Mr. Lele, Sardar Uddham Singh and The Immortal – Ashwatthama .
ALSO READ: Shashank Khaitan’s Mr Lele back on track! Kiara Advani and Vicky Kaushal to start shooting this year
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