National award-winning actor Vidya Balan has resumed shoot for her upcoming film Sherni in Madhya Pradesh post the lockdown. The shooting for Sherni came to a halt in mid-March as the nation went into a lockdown owing to the pandemic.
With productions getting back on track with the requisite safety protocols, Vidya Balan has started shoot for Sherni in Madhya Pradesh. Sherni directed by Amit Masurkar, explores the man-animal conflict featuring Vidya as a forest officer and is being shot in the jungles of Madhya Pradesh.
Last seen in Shakuntala Devi, Vidya Balan shifted her release to the OTT platform given the coronavirus outbreak and nationwide lockdown.
Sherni is directed by Amit Masurkar and produced by Bhushan Kumar, Vikram Malhotra, Krishan Kumar, and Amit Masurkar, the film is written by Aastha Tiku.
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