Sony Entertainment Television’s India’s Best Dancer is currently the most sought-after talent show on the small screen. Week after week, the battle among the top contestants only seems to be getting more challenging, as the show inches towards the finale. This weekend, the show will extend a warm welcome to Rajkummar Rao, Nushrratt Bharuccha, and Nora Fatehi as the guests. While Nushrat and Rajkummar will share interesting anecdotes about their journey, Nora Fatehi is back to encourage her favourite contestants. This weekend is even more exciting as the contestants and their choreographers will present an act along with a troupe of background dancers.
The audience will witness some of the most unique acts so far on Indian Television, as the judges praise their outstanding performances and concepts. Rajkummar Rao and Nushrratt Bharuccha will be seen promoting their upcoming movie, Chhalaang. The two had a great time on the show, and they even shook a leg with the contestants. Whereas Nora Fatehi also graced the show as a guest judge and the contestants gave her a tribute, as they have forged a special bond with the popular dancer-actor. Nora did the hook step from her upcoming music video with Guru Randhawa, on Naach Meri Rani along with judges Malaika Arora and Geeta Kapur. The three dancing divas looked graceful as they did an impromptu jig on the pop number. Moreover, the team of India's Best Dancer planned a surprise birthday cake for Malaika, and she was overwhelmed with all the love and affection from everyone.
Also Read: Here’s how Nushrratt Bharuccha aced the Haryanvi accent for Chhalaang
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