Shraddha Kapoor recently crossed a milestone of 50 Million followers and very few from the industry have achieved this milestone. The people's actress has surely delivered one of the finest performances but off-screen as well, the relatability factor wins our heart. To thank her fans for all the love, she shared handwritten notes on her social media in three languages- Marathi, Hindi, and English!
Her handwritten note in English read, “To all my dearest sweetest, gems, babudis, fan clubs, and well wishers. I've been going through all the videos, edits, and posts that you have made with a much love and I'm so so so overwhelmed and humbled! I am here because of you all. I wish you all lots and lots of love right back along with happiness and peace. Please take the best care of yourselves, spread kindness and keep shining bright. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! 50 Million Times❤️”.
The major reason for Shraddha being the only player in her league of crossing the 50 Million milestone is that she uses her influence to make a difference with her initiative with #LockdownZoos and urging her fans time and again to do their bit for saving the animals. Being an environmental activist as well as an actress, she makes her decisions consciously by choosing a wooden toothbrush, using a bucket for bathing and so much more. That’s what makes her different and relatable!
Shraddha's feed is a complete delight to be a part of virtually as it has everything from fashion, to fun BTS of films, animal cuddles, latest updates on the environment, and things going around the world. This also shows how Shraddha is extremely aware and sensitive as a person.
Shraddha Kapoor will be seen next in a Luv Ranjan directorial alongside Ranbir Kapoor.
Also Read: 6 Years Of Ek Villain: Shraddha Kapoor thanks the fans for all the love
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