Actor Sonam Kapoor was invited by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Rishi Sunak, for his reception on the occasion of UK-India Week 2023. Sonam lives in London with her husband-businessman Anand Ahuja and their son Vayu, and she attended it on behalf of India. Previously, Sonam was invited to King Charles III's coronation concert, where she delivered a spoken word performance. She attended at the reception which took place at the PM's official residence and office on 10 Downing Street. The celebration was a part of India Global Forum's flagship event UK-India week, which held from 26th June to 30th June in London. Sonam attended the reception on Wednesday and talked about India and its cultural influence across the globe.
We were anticipating more than just Sonam's verbal introduction as she took the stage. We were quite interested in what she wore since she is a fashionista in the broadest sense. The renowned Indian designer Rohit Bal's pastel green floral-patterned organza saree on the actress was stunning. She completed her appearance with a white floor-length coat adorned with complementary flower designs. With kohl-rimmed eyes, dewy coloured cheeks, and a crimson lip, Kapoor completed her look. She wore her hair open and straight and accessorised with flower earrings from Dhuri Jewels, as well as several rings and a little purse with crochet edging to complete the ensemble.
Sonam Kapoor Ahuja, on the work front, is all set to make her digital debut as her film Blind, a crime drama, is set to drop on an OTT platform.The film will be released on Jio Cinema on July 7. Directed by Shome Makhija, the highly anticipated film boasts of an impressive ensemble cast including Purab Kohli, Vinay Pathak, Lilette Dubey, and Shubham Saraf. Presented by Jio Studios, in association with RV Motion Pictures & Lead Films, a Kanai, Avma and Kross Pictures Production,Blind will premiere on July 7 on JioCinema. Blind will mark Sonam Kapoor Ahuja’s comeback to the film industry after almost four years.
ACTRESS: Sonam Kapoor
OUTFIT: Rohit Bal
STYLIST: Rhea Kapoor
JEWELLERY: Dhuri & Amrapali Jewels
MAKE-UP: Ganga
HAIR: Pete Burkill
Also Read: Sonam Kapoor Ahuja invited for UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s reception to mark UK-India week!
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