The evergreen Madhuri Dixit will star in Amazon's original Maja Ma which will arrive on Prime Video this Friday. Warm and funny, this light-hearted yet thought-provoking drama with unexpected twists and turns, features Madhuri Dixit in the lead, in a never-seen-before role. Even before its release, the film has won praise from filmmaker Karan Johar.
Sharing a poster on Instagram, Karan Johar wrote, “A brave, poignant and to add an audience pleaser… this dramedy hits the spot with its relentless storytelling… oscillating between emotion and humour … you walk out with a feeling of sunshine …. Mainly because of the luminous and stunning @madhuridixitnene who plays Pallavi with so much integrity and poise.. she is just a pleasure to watch in every frame."
He continued, "Kudos to the entire cast … Gajraj, Ritwick, Barkha, Shrishti, Simone..all performances are on point and top notch! I am obsessed with @sheeba.chadha and Rajat kapur who play BOB and PAM with sheer genius! They are howlarious !! I want a spin off please !!! Congratulations to @anandntiwari for directing a challenging narrative with such ease and craft…. To @bindraamritpal for always raising the bar of content and to team @primevideoin for their first smashing original! Watch this gem and you will have a #Majama time!!! Releases on the 6th of October! ❤️❤️❤️.”
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Produced by Leo Media Collective and Amritpal Singh Bindra; directed by Anand Tiwari and written by Sumit Batheja, Maja Ma is a family entertainer, set against the celebratory backdrop of a traditional festival and a quintessential, colourful Indian wedding.
Maja Ma boasts of a very talented cast including Gajraj Rao, Ritwik Bhowmik, Barkha Singh, Srishti Shrivastava, Rajit Kapur, Sheeba Chaddha, Simone Singh, Malhar Thakar, and Ninad Kamat.
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