Shah Rukh Khan is all set to make 2023 his year with three big releases after a gap of four years, starting with the film Pathaan. It will be released in theaters in January next year. Apart from that, he will be seen in Atlee's Jawan in June 2023 followed by Rajkumar Hirani's Dunki in December 2023. As it turns out, he has wrapped Mumbai's schedule of Dunki already, the actor headed to London last week to kick off the international shoot schedule.
Shah Rukh Khan had a good Italian meal at a renowned restaurant in London and even posed for photos with the chefs. SRK is dressed in a white tee with a jacket and sunglasses. The caption read, “Kehte hain agar kisi cheez ko dil se chaho … to puri kainaat usse tumse milane ki koshish mein lag jaati hai."
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A few days ago, Shah Rukh Khan's photo was leaked from a London shoot in which he is sporting a messy hairdo, a plaid shirt and black pants. The actor is all smiles as he shoots at Waterloo bridge in London.
EXCLUSIVE picture of Megastar #ShahRukhKhan from the sets of #Dunki in Waterloo Bridge, London.
— Jagatjit (@iamJagatjit45) July 17, 2022
The film will be backed by Khan's Red Chilies Entertainment. The film will be released on the big screen on December 22, 2023, and will star Taapsee Pannu in the lead role as well.
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