Manushi Chhillar is all set to make her long awaited debut in Yash Raj Films' Samrat Prithviraj. Starring opposite Akshay Kumar, the film is based on the life and valour of the fearless and mighty King Prithviraj Chauhan. Akshay is essaying the role of the legendary warrior who fought valiantly to protect India from the merciless invader Muhammad of Ghor. Manushi Chhillar is playing the role of Prithviraj’s beloved Princess Sanyogita.
Manushi Chhillar is an avid lover of binge-watching content just like any millennial. The actress, who is gearing up for her debut, recently spoke to GlobalSpa magazine about several aspects of her life. When asked what was her recent binge-watch, she mentioned Korean series, Squid Game. The 2021 hit Korean series became the “most-streamed Netflix series” to date, in October 2021, with over 111 million viewers, surpassing the Netflix original Bridgerton which fell behind by a whopping 29 million viewers.
In the same interview, the actress also mentioned that South Korean actor Lee Minho, who last starred in Pachinko, is her celebrity crush and that she would love to work with him.
Meanwhile, Manushi Chhillar's dream debut Samrat Prithviraj has been directed by Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi. The film is set to release on June 3 in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. The actress has already signed another project with YRF which stars Vicky Kaushal opposite her.
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