Kareena Kapoor Khan has been busy shooting for Sujoy Ghosh’s next which is based on the book The Devotion of Suspect X. In fact, Kareena and her co-star Vijay Verma have been regularily sharing updates of the film on their social media profiles. Now taking to Instagram Kareena revealed that the crew have wrapped up shooting for the Netflix film.
Sharing images from the sets and of the crew post wrap, Kareena posted, “DSX! The best crew, best ride, best times... and I’m pretty sure the best film too ♥ Get ready @netflix_in... this one is ????”. Along with the images Kareena also tagged the cast members Vijay Verma, Jaideep Ahlawat, Jay Shewakramani, Akshai Puri and director Sujoy Ghosh.
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Speaking of the film, Devotion of Suspect X is a suspense thriller written by Keigo Higashino. The untitled film, produced by Jay Shewakramani, Akshai Puri, and Thomas Kim along with Sujoy Ghosh will release on Netflix.
While Kareena makes her digital debut with Devotion of Suspect X, Vijay Varma has a line-up of great projects alongside, such as Darlings, Fallen, Sumit Saxena's untitled next, and also Mirzapur 3.
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