Karan Johar celebrated his 50th birthday on Wednesday, May 25th, with the entire industry in attendance. The celebration, which took place at Yash Raj Studios in Mumbai's suburbs, attracted almost every significant person in the industry. Karan went all out for his 'bling and black' birthday event, which saw celebs dressed up in their most trendy ensembles with a dash of glitz. Salman Khan, Hrithik Roshan, Rani Mukherjee, Ananya Panday, and others, were among the celebrities that arrived. Several well-known celebrities wowed the crowd with their extravagant outfits, and Pooja Hedge caught fans' eye.
For Karan Johar's 50th birthday bash, Pooja chose a gorgeous mini dress. She shared photos of her outfit on Instagram, and it's impossible not to drool over them. She selected a golden short dress with embellishments from designer Monisha Jaising's racks. The strappy spaghetti mini dress featured a plunging neckline, asymmetric hemline, and drape components on the bodice.
Pooja completed the look with a gold strappy heel and a metallic bracelet. The actor complemented her look with dewy makeup, light kohl, smouldering eyelids, and glossy nude lip tint, leaving her mane loose in beach waves.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Pooja Hegde made her debut at the Cannes Film Festival this year. The actress walked the red carpet at the Top Gun Maverick premiere on May 18. Pooja Hegde is currently shooting for Salman Khan's Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali and Rohit Shetty's Cirkus. She also has SSMB28 with Mahesh Babu on her schedule.
ACTOR: Pooja Hegde
OUTFIT: Monisha Jaisingh
STYLIST: Tanya Virdi
HAIR –STYLIST: Suhas Shinde
MAKE-UP: Kajol Mulani
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