Kareena Kapoor Khan was recently spotted visiting her close friend Malaika Arora at her house in Bandra. Malaika had recently met with a road accident on her way back home from Pune. She was briefly hospitalized and is currently recovering at home. Kareena Kapoor is papped whenever she steps out of her house and her visit to Malaika's house was also captured by the paparazzi. However, unfortunately, a member of the media was hurt by the actor’s car on his leg and the actress immediately asked everyone to step away from the car.
In the video, a photographer is seen getting in the way of Kareena's car and getting hurt in the process of clicking the actress' picture. Kareena who is left in shock immediately asks all to step away from the car before another person got hurt.
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Meanwhile, Malaika was discharged from the hospital and reached home on Sunday. She had suffered minor injuries during a car accident on Saturday. Soon after she reached home, her boyfriend and actor Arjun Kapoor and sister Amrita Arora were seen at Malaika’s residence. Malaika was hospitalized at Apollo Hospital in Navi Mumbai.
On the work front, Kareena Kapoor Khan will next be seen in the film Laal Singh Chaddha. She will also be making her OTT debut with Sujoy Ghosh's directorial. It is a screen adaptation of one of Keigo Higashino's most acclaimed works, The Devotion of Suspect X.
ALSO READ: Kareena Kapoor Khan has food swapping day with Malaika Arora and Masaba Gupta
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