Kapil Sharma celebrated his birthday in Himachal Pradesh along with his wife Ginni Chatrath and kids Anarya and Trishaan. The party was filled with love, dance and songs. The comedian was also seen dancing along with his wife, kids and his close friends.
Singer Teji Bajwa wished Kapil a happy birthday and shared a video where Kapil can be seen breaking into bhangra and singing too. Teji captioned the post, “Happy Birthday to the Laughter King @kapilsharma paji. It was an honour to perform on your special day… You are the most humble and talented person I’ve come across. Congratulations to you and your family… May god bless you with long life and good health. Special thanks to @jassijasbir paji and @yasir_hussain_singer bro for lightening up the night #Karindaytheband.”
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Kapil Sharma also took time to thank for all the wishes on his birthday, saving the best for Akshay Kumar.
Hahahaha, thank you so much for always inspiring in many ways paji ????❤️ bus apke dil me ghar bana rahe, bandra me to meri baat chal hi rahi hai ???? love you paji ????❤️???? https://t.co/iOW3OMtHz9
— Kapil Sharma (@KapilSharmaK9) April 3, 2022
Akshay wished Kapil captioning the post, “I hope iss saal tere Lokhandwala hi nahi Bandra mein bhi bahot saare ghar ho Always wishing you the best in life brother, Happy birthday @KapilSharmaK9.”
Kapil responded, “Hahahaha, thank you so much for always inspiring in many ways paji bus apke dil me ghar bana rahe, bandra me to meri baat chal hi rahi hai love you paji .”
Also Read: The Kapil Sharma Show to go off air temporarily due to comedian’s USA tour
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