Actress Lisa Haydon’s recent Instagram upload is an ode to the swimsuit she bought when she was 19. The 35-year-old actor uploaded a series of images on social media on Tuesday where she was sighted in a black and white polka-dotted swimsuit. Lisa was seen relishing a drink as she lounged by the poolside in her black and white swimsuit. Flaunting her nude makeup look, Lisa shared the snapshot on the social media platform and disclosed in the caption, “Bought this swimsuit when I was 19. Slurp.”
Reacting to Lisa’s post, several followers and celebrities commented, “And here we can't even fit in the clothes bought 19 days ago.” Another fan commented, “And you still fit so perfectly in it.” Lisa’s post also resonated with those who like to hoard their old clothes, as one follower commented, “So good to know we are all hoarders deep down.”
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Lisa Haydon who got married to Dino Lalvni in 2016 has three kids named Malika Haydon, Julia Hayden, and Amit Haydon. The model who is also an actress can be often spotted in a swimsuit as she enjoys her time by the beach with her kids on her side.
Also Read: Lisa Haydon flaunts her post pregnancy glow as she poses with her newborn daughter
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