Actor Farhan Akhtar and Shibani Dandekar tied knot on February 19 in an intimate function, which was attended by family, friends and industry colleagues. Post the wedding, Shibani Dandekar changed her name on her Instagram handle and added ‘Akhtar’ to it, which now read ‘Shibani Dandekar- Akhtar’. The couple had a close wedding ceremony which was attended by close friends & family members.
Celebs including Hrithik Roshan, Amrita Arora, Ehsaan Noorani, Rhea Chakraborty and others were papped at the wedding festivities as the wedding took place in Khandala.
The couple was spotted at Zoya Akhtar’s residence for their post wedding bash and they were joined by Apeksha & Anusha Dandekar. Their wedding rituals started with the mehendi ceremony and the couple showed some groovy moves at the sangeet night.
Farhan and Shibani started dating after a reality show and they mad it official on their Instagram handles.
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