Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit is all set to make her Netflix debut with the upcoming series The Fame Game co-starring Manav Kaul and Sanjay Kapoor. Madhuri Dixit shared her thoughts what would Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan do, if they weren’t into acting.
In a recent exclusive interview with Bollywood Hungama, when asked if Shah Rukh Khan & Salman Khan were not into acting, what would they do?, to which the actress replied, “Salman Khani think would sing which he already does, bodybuilding but he’s already doing it that. A professional painter maybe. Shah Rukh Khan will be businessman but he’s already one.”
On the work front, Maduri was last seen in Abhishek Verma’s period drama Kalank. She will next produce Panchak, a Marathi film her company RnM Moving Pictures.
The Fame Game series premieres 25th February on the streaming platform.
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