Superstar Salman Khan is all set to grace Ranveer Singh’s television quiz show, The Big Picture. The show is co-produced by Khan. The actor will be arriving on the visual-based game show to promote his upcoming film Antim: The Final Truth. The actor will also be joined by his co-stars Aayush Sharma and Mahima Makwana.
The promo for the upcoming episode is out and it seems like Salman Khan gets stuck on Rs. 50 lakh question. In the promo, a photo of a Taj Mahal-like monument is shown but the actor believes that for Rs. 50 lakh, they wouldn't ask an easy question. Khan, then, seeks help from Bigg Boss 15 contestants after using a lifeline. As the Bigg Boss 15 contestants call it Taj Mahal, Salman laughs and says thanks for the 'big help'.
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The Big Picture episode featuring Salman Khan will air on November 13 whereas Antim: The Final Truth. releases on November 19 in cinemas.
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