Ever since Ronnie Screwvala’s RSVP announced their project featuring Rakul Preet Singh essaying the role of a condom tester, it has piqued huge curiosity among the audiences. Titled Chhatriwali, the social family entertainer starring Rakul in a never-seen-before, unique character, has recently gone on floors in Lucknow. Desperate for a job, a female unemployed chemistry graduate in small-town Karnal becomes a condom tester, a secret she must hide from everyone around her. Chhatriwali is a quirky drama and another fresh high-concept film by the production house that is known to bring path-breaking subjects to audiences.
Director Tejas Deoskar shares, “Our film is a social family entertainer, which aims at de-stigmatizing the use of condoms and we are truly excited that the film has gone on floors. Rakul brings freshness to every role that she portrays and with a sensitive, thought-provoking subject like this, the audience will certainly enjoy a roller-coaster ride of comedy.”
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Sharing her excitement Rakul Preet Singh adds, “It’s quite an interesting and hatke subject and I am very thrilled about starting the journey of my character. It's important to highlight some issues in a light-hearted way and that has got me pretty excited.”
Chhatriwali is Produced by Ronnie Screwvala’s RSVP and directed by Tejas Prabha Vijay Deoskar.
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