After 11 years of courtship, actors Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa got married in a beautiful ceremony on November 15 at a hotel in Chandigarh in the presence of their family and friends. The couple shared the first pictures from their wedding ceremony on Monday evening. They also had a reception in Chandigarh following the wedding ceremony which was also graced by the Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar.
Late on Monday night, the Haryana Chief Minister took to his social media handle to share a picture with the newlyweds. In the picture, Rajkummar looked dapper in a black suit while Patralekhaa looked gorgeous in an off-white saree with intricate details and a traditional neckpiece.
Sharing the picture, CM Khattar showered his blessings on the newlyweds.
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Sharing first pictures from their wedding ceremony, Rajkummar Rao took to his social media handle and wrote, "Finally after 11 years of love, romance, friendship and fun, I got married to my everything today, my soulmate, my best friend, my family. Today there is no greater happiness for me than being called your husband @patralekhaa Here’s to forever .. and beyond.”
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ALSO READ: FIRST PICS: Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa are now husband and wife
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