Tiger Shroff is currently on set shooting for his upcoming film Heropanti 2. The actor took to his social media on Thursday to share a video on how he keeps his body warm in between shots as they are filming the climax sequence for the film.
He shared on his social media, "Keeping my body warm in between one of the most challenging sequences I've done…you guys gonna love what's coming❤️ #climax action #heropanti2."
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Calling the climax action sequence 'one of the most challenging sequences' the anticipation and excitement of the audiences must've increased twofold, all fire and heart emojis have flooded the comments section of this post.
Tiger Shroff has a power-pack lineup of films along with Heropanti 2, there's Baaghi 4, Ganapath, and few other films that are yet to be announced.
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