Shanaya Kapoor, the upcoming actress, is gearing up for her Bollywood debut. Ahead of that, the actress has already garnered a huge following for herself on social media. Last night, she was spotted at the airport along with her cousin sisters Anshula Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor.
Known for her athleisure style, she did not disappoint us with her look. Last night, Shanaya was donning an all-black co-ord set consisting black cropped tank top with black pants. She accessorised the look with sturdy boots. What grabbed our attention was her luxury green bagpack.
Shanaya Kapoor was carrying the Gucci Web & Snake Bagpack which added a pop of colour to the look. Apparently, it is worth $1,850 (Rs. 1.3 lakhs approx). The starkid kept her makeup minimal and hair all open; she was wearing a shield and a white face mask amidst Covid-19.
On the professional front, Shanaya Kapoor has been signed as one of the talents of Dharma Cornerstone Agency. She will make her debut with Dharma Productions’ film.
Also Read: Shanaya Kapoor is in carefree mood flaunting her beach waves and minimal makeup
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