Varun Dhawan's niece Anjini Dhawan, in recent times, made her Instagram account public. At his wedding in January 2021, she set fashion goals and her glam quotient was on point.
In her recent Instagram post, she was seen donning a purple set with a teensy purple cropped top and a flowy skirt with a thigh-high slit from Deme by Gabriella collection. The aesthetic of the outfit was the perfect pick for a balmy Maldivian morning. She kept her makeup dewy with her hair in beach waves.
Anjini Dhawan, daughter of Varun Dhawan's cousin Siddharth Dhawan, has become quite popular on social media. She is the granddaughter of actor Anil Dhawan. Ajini Dhawan is already the talk of the town and we wonder whether she will make her debut on the big screen soon!
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