Actor Varun Dhawan and his longtime love Natasha Dalal, after years of dating, finally tied the knot on January 24, 2021, at the Mansion House in Alibaug. It was a private affair with around 50 guests in attendance for the wedding festivities. While it families of both the bride and groom and their close friends were invited, it was nothing short of a grand affair.
Now, more unseen pictures have surfaced online. A beautiful moment was captured at the after-party as Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal posed with their parents. Natasha's parents stood beside their son-in-law Varun whereas Natasha was seen alongside David Dhawan and Karuna Dhawan. Dressed in a black suit with a white shirt, Varun Dhawan looked dapper. Natasha opted for a lilac lehenga for the after-party.
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Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal, on Tuesday, returned to Mumbai from Alibaug.
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