Ananya Panday is making headlines with her upcoming film, Liger, alongside Vijay Deverakonda. The film is an out-and-out action entertainer and will see the actress in a completely different role from her previous projects. Speaking about the shooting schedule, a source close to the actress revealed, "Ananya will be starting the next shoot schedule of Liger in the second week of February. The shoot will take place in Mumbai."
The actress has been on a roll ever since her debut and has left a strong imprint on the hearts of the audience. With Liger, Ananya will make her debut in regional cinema as well, which is a remarkable feat for any actor, that too at the starting steps of her career. The actress is touted as the Shining star of Bollywood for all the right reasons, and Liger will again prove her mettle as a versatile performer.
Apart from Liger, the actress will also be seen in Shakun Batra's next directorial, alongside Deepika Padukone and Siddhant Chaturvedi.
Also Read: Sara Ali Khan and Ananya Panday pose happily with Manish Malhotra at Karan Johar’s house party
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