Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan were in Dharamshala where the latter was shooting for his upcoming film Bhoot Police and needless to say, Taimur Ali Khan had accompanied them. The trio celebrated Diwali together as they gear up to welcome a new member of the family. The cast and crew of Bhoot Police had an intimate celebration for Diwali around a bonfire. As Taimur Ali Khan enjoys the bits of being away from the city, he even took pottery classes with Kareena Kapoor Khan.
Now, after they have tried their hand at pottery, these cute pictures of Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan observing Taimur Ali Khan as he puts chocolate into the mould are too cute to miss. Being the little chef that he is, Taimur even had his exclusive cooking session along with a proper apron with his name engraved.
Take a look at the pictures.
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The pictures are surely proof of why Taimur Ali Khan is the cutest star kid on the block.
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