While the Bollywood celebrities were busy joining the biggest Diwali celebrations in town, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor opted for a quaint Diwali dinner at their place. While the two actors are currently busy shooting and dubbing their first on-screen project together, they ensured to celebrate Diwali in the most romantic way possible. The chef that cooked dinner for the lovebirds took to his Instagram to share a few pictures with the stars.
Ranbir Kapoor is seen dressed in a red kurta while Alia Bhatt opted for a simple black dress paired with drop-down earrings and a sleek bun. The couple is all smiles as they posed for the pictures on the occasion. Needless to say, the pictures have gone viral in no time for all the right reasons. Take a look at them, right here.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt – The minimalist make-up maven!
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