Neetu Kapoor starts shooting for her upcoming film Jug Jug Jeeyo. The senior actress is back on sets after years and says that she is a little scared. For the past two years, Neetu Kapoor was in New York along with late actor Rishi Kapoor who was undergoing treatment for leukemia. While leaving for Chandigarh for the shoot last week, Neetu Kapoor had thanked her kids for encouraging her to take up the film.
On Monday, she started filming along with co-stars Anil Kapoor, Kiara Advani, Varun Dhawan and Prajakta Kohli. She took to her Instagram handle to share a picture of herself getting ready for the shot along with a small note. "Back on set after so many years. To new beginnings and the magic of the movies. I feel YOUR love and presence. From mom, to Kapoor Sahab, to Ranbir always being with me .. now I find myself all by myself, feeling a little scared , but I know you are always with me," she wrote remembering her family.
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Meanwhile, a day back, Neetu Kapoor shared photos of her celebrating Diwali with co-star Anil Kapoor and his wife Sunita Kapoor. The senior star was last seen in Besharam with son Ranbir and late husband Rishi Kapoor back in 2013.
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