Superstar Shah Rukh Khan celebrated his 55th birthday on November 2 in Dubai since he is attending the ongoing Indian Premier League (IPL). Like every year, fans, friends, and colleagues from around the world are pouring warm wishes and love on social media. Aamir Khan also took to his social media to wish SRK on his birthday.
"Many many happy returns of the day Shah. May good health always be with you. Everything else you have already earned & will continue to earn," Aamir Khan wrote on Monday night.
Many many happy returns of the day Shah ????
May good health always be with you. Everything else you have already earned & will continue to earn.
May you continue to bring joy, happiness and hope to millions of people around the globe, me included !
Lots of love.
a.@iamsrk— Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) November 2, 2020
On the work, Aamir Khan is currently in Delhi shooting for Laal Singh Chaddha. Meanwhile, Shah Rukh Khan will begin shooting Pathan later this month.
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