Yesterday, Shahid Kapoor took to his Twitter to announce that they have wrapped up the Uttarakhand schedule of his upcoming film, Jersey. For the unversed, Jersey is the official Hindi remake of the Tamil namesake and stars Mrunal Thakur in the lead role opposite Shahid, marking their first on-screen collaboration. The team had to stop shooting after their Chandigarh schedule due to the pandemic outbreak.
However, they have successfully wrapped up this schedule and Shahid even thanked the Government of Uttarakhand for being extremely cooperative. He posted a selfie earlier today and wrote, “It’s a wrap on another schedule of #jersey. In such times to be able to pull this off really felt like a blessing. Feel proud of the team for powering through and being so positive. @mrunalofficial2016 @gowtham_tinnanuri @amanthegill @boscomartis @im_anilmehta”.
Take a look at it.
Shahid Kapoor will be seen playing the role of a cricketer in Jersey.
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