Actor Ali Fazal turned 34 on Thursday and rang in his birthday on a film set. His fiancee Richa Chadha took to Instagram to wish him a video clip.
Richa Chadha took to Instagram and wrote, "HBD beautiful man."
Sharing a throwback photo, she gave him a sweet kiss and wrote "Happy birthday @alifazal9! You make this brief existence on the planet pleasant. Heart exclamation Circa (before ppl knew) FYI - More pix will follow."
Happy birthday @alifazal9 ! You make this brief existence on the planet pleasant. ❣️
Circa (before ppl knew)
FYI - More pix will follow.— TheRichaChadha (@RichaChadha) October 15, 2020
Earlier in the day, she shared Ali Fazal's The Man cover story and wrote, "As Guddu as it gets... hbd soulmate. Phone uthao shot ke baad."
As Guddu as it gets... hbd soulmate. Phone uthao shot ke baad. @alifazal9 ! ????????????????
— TheRichaChadha (@RichaChadha) October 15, 2020
Ali Fazal and Richa Chadha, who met on the sets of Fukrey, were set to get married this year. Due to the pandemic, the couple decided to postpone their wedding.
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