After Amitabh Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan, veteran actor Anupam Kher revealed that his mother Dulari, brother Raju Kher, sister-in-law, and niece have tested positive for COVID-19. The actor also revealed that his mother is in isolation ward whereas his brother’s family is under home quarantine.
In his latest video, he said that his mother is not informed that she has COVID-19 but rather has been told that she has an infection. “Though we told her you have infection, you don’t have Covid. But she understands because she is surrounded by people so she knows it,” he said.
“Felt like sharing with you what I am feeling these days. Mom is trying to be her spirited self in the hospital although is not feeling hungry. Raju, Reema & Vrinda are home quarantined. Parents are so selfless. One must verbally tell them again and again that you love them. For them and for your own self!” he captioned his video.
“Thank you for all the wishes for my mother, brother, and his family. I may not be able to reply to all of you personally, but I am overwhelmed. When four members of your family test positive for the coronavirus, it is scary, but your love has filled us with positivity. My mother has been shifted to an isolation ward while Raju and his family will be under home quarantine. I am thankful for everyone who has given us so much love,” the actor said earlier this week.
Anupam Kher’s mother has been admitted to Kokilaben Hospital in Mumbai.
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