It was revealed yesterday that Aamir Khan’s assistant of almost 25 years, Amos, passed away untimely due to a cardiac arrest. He has been a part of Aamir Khan’s family and naturally, Khan's kids were close to Amos. Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao even attended his funeral after taking all the precautionary measures required for social distancing. Aamir Khan was very shocked with the news when it reached him.
Now, his daughter Ira Khan has penned a note on Amos’ demise and it shows just how close-knit they all were. She took to her Instagram story to write, “R.I.P Amos. Thanks for teaching me how to make home-made coffee look cool, playing saat-aath with us and showing me what efficient packing really looks like. Didn’t think you’d ever not be around.”
Take a look at it.
Amos was rushed to the Holy Family Hospital by his family after collapsed suddenly.
Also Read: Aamir Khan’s assistant Amos passes away after suffering from a cardiac arrest
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