Panga was really steady on Wednesday as there was hardly any fall when compared to Tuesday collections of Rs. 1.65 crores. The film brought in Rs. 1.62 crores and that’s a good trend when looked at from relative standpoint. Of course from absolute numbers perspective the film needed to be around Rs. 2.50 crores range right through the weekdays as that would have allowed a much better run.
Nonetheless, currently the film stands at Rs. 19.83 crores and now Rs. 21 crores would be surpassed before the close of first week. Post that it would be all about how the second weekend holds up.
Panga is turning out to be one such film which is well made and deserved to go past Rs. 50 crores at least. However, while it would eventually conclude in Rs. 30 crores range, it should find a better market on the digital medium.
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