Prolific actor Rishi Kapoor passed away on April 30, 2002. With his passing, the shoot of his last film Sharmaji Namkeen came to a halt until Paresh Rawal came on board to complete the film. The film was released on March 31 on Amazon Prime Video. The film directed by Hitesh Bhatia has received a lot of love and positive reviews. Javed Akhtar, too, took to his social media handle to praise the film.
"Watched Sharma ji Namkeen. So well written and directed. Thank you Paresh Rawal saheb for your most unusual and great contribution. Now my friend Chintu, ultimately it is your show. You have hit the last ball out of the stadium. Tell me,why we all won’t miss you forever (sic)," he tweeted after watching the film.
Watched Sharma ji Namkeen . So well written and directed . Thank you Paresh Rawal saheb for your most unusual and great contribution . Now my friend Chintu , ultimately it is your show . You have hit the last ball out of the stadium . Tell me ,why we all won’t miss you for ever
— Javed Akhtar (@Javedakhtarjadu) April 4, 2022
Sharmaji Namkeen is a film that is centered on a man who is forced to take Voluntary Retirement and is looking for a new purpose in life. While he finds purpose in cooking, he braves his way through passion and rules set by society. The endearing story also stars Juhi Chawla, Suhail Nayyar, Taaruk Raina, Satish Kaushik, Sheeba Chaddha, and Isha Talwar.
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