The producers of movie Thael, which stars Prabhu Deva, have postponed the release of the Tamil film since it struggles to get enough theatres booked. The film was earlier scheduled to premiere on December 10. Thael, which is directed by Harikumar, will star actor-choreographer Prabhu Deva in the lead role, whereas actress Samyukta Hegde will be playing the female lead.
As per the reports, Thael was struggling to get enough cinema halls for itself as there are numerous films already lined up for the release. Prabhu Deva’s recent OTT release turned out to be a major flop and that is the reason many say the theater owners are hesitant in releasing his forthcoming movie on the big screen. Most of the theaters did not come forward to screen Prabhu Deva's film. The film has been postponed and a new date will be announced soon.
The film is produced by Studio Green, one of the leading film production companies in Tamil industry. Suriya and Karthi are the producers of this film. Studio Green is also eliciting the forthcoming film Vikram starring Megastar Ranjith.
Also Read: Here’s what Prabhu Deva has to say about the hook step of ‘Munna Badnaam Hua’ starring Salman Khan
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