With Diwali marking the return of Lord Ram to Ayodhya from his 14-year-long Vanvaas, this festival is celebrated across the globe with a lot of love and light. Akshay Kumar, who seems to be on a streak of releasing films one after the other has announced his next project, Ram Setu. Wishing his fans, a happy Diwali, Akshay Kumar shared the poster of Ram Setu on his social media.
Sporting a clean shaven look, dressed in a casual shirt and cargo pants with a scarf around his neck, Akshay Kumar will be seen sporting slightly longer hair in Ram Setu. Sharing the poster, he wrote, “This Deepawali, let us endeavor to keep alive the ideals of Ram in the consciousness of all Bharatiyas by building a bridge(setu) that will connect generations to come. Taking this mammoth task ahead, here is our humble attempt - #RamSetu! Wishing you & yours a very Happy Deepawali!”
Take a look at it, right here.
This Deepawali,let us endeavor to keep alive the ideals of Ram in the consciousness of all Bharatiyas by building a bridge(setu) that will connect generations to come.
Taking this mammoth task ahead,here is our humble attempt - #RamSetu
Wishing you & yours a very Happy Deepawali! pic.twitter.com/ZQ2VKWJ1xU— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) November 14, 2020
इस दीपावली,भारत राष्ट्र के आदर्श और महानायक भगवान श्री राम की पुण्य स्मृतियों को युगों युगों तक भारत की चेतना में सुरक्षित रखने के लिए एक ऐसा सेतु बनाये जो आने वाले पीढ़ियों को राम से जोड़ कर रखे।इसी प्रयास में हमारा भी एक छोटा संकल्प है - राम सेतु
आप सबको दीपावली की शुभ कामनाएंl pic.twitter.com/529Svh0iB2— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) November 14, 2020
The project is directed by Abhishek Sharma and will be under Akshay’s production house, Cape Of Good Films and is produced by Aruna Bhatia and Vikram Malhotra.
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